My sister, Claire (right), and I are close. Not a week goes by where one of us isn't in need of a good listener--someone to vent to. We are similar but very different at the same time which allows us to agree on things as well as give alternative perspectives on the topic at hand. When I read this assignment I knew that putting her in a situation deviating from our norm as well as the society norm of being face to face (within, say, a 3 foot distance) with someone when you're in a deep conversation would, in the least, confuse her. She was a good candidate in the sense that I could feel comfortable "acting" or doing this activity without me displaying that I am aware of the abnormal activity. Observing one's response to an offbeat behavior is a great way to analyze the effects of declared norms in society and everyday life.
I walked to Claire's bedroom at a time that I knew she would be available for chatting. However, instead of walking in and joining her sitting on her bed, I stood in the doorway. I asked if I could talk to her regarding one of my friend situations. Her, confused why I even asked in the first place and why I hadn't fulling entered her room said, "Yeah, come sit." I quickly disregarded her offer and jumped right into what I had to say. I felt awkward but stuck to my plan and made sure I didn't give away my act. I did not raise my voice to assist her in hearing my story, I spoke as if we were face to face. Being so, she waved me over while I was talking and I again ignored her and acted normal. This behavior made me feel uneasy because there was a tense feeling in the room, it would be only a matter of minutes until she acted upon my behavior and changed hers to fix mine. She stood up and walked near me and leaned against the wall so we were, finally, face to face. She had normalized the situation. Once this happened I let out a sigh and said, "Ok, I didn't come sit on your bed for a reason, I was just observing your response to my abnormal behavior." When I asked her how she felt when I was standing at such a distance from her in attempt to have an in depth conversation she explained it as, "Just weird." She had a difficult time answering my question of why that was weird for her. Claire's best reasoning for why was because, "Well, normally if someone wants to have a deep convo about something they chose to sit close, in more an intimate setting... not stand in the fricken doorway." And she laughed. This explained it all, of course she would mention the word normal in her explanation of how I was failing to act.

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